Changes (again)

In my continuing efforts to learn web programming, simplify things and make a better site, I changed the site (again). This time I switched from a manual, hand-coded implementation to a SQL-based version. The new version uses a database to display the movies, making adding a new movie much easier and more intuitive.

And it was a lot of fun to see if I could do it!

With any luck, there shouldn’t be any obvious differences with my old site. The new site allows me to create a web page for each movie explaining in greater detail all aspects.

More to come!

Car, Flip and Fun

So thanks to Nathan Henderson, I tried filming my drive home. I didn’t have a Gorillapod, so I used the next best thing, a glue clamp ($3.99) and a pair of rubber bands. It worked great! I attached the clamp to the rear view mirror then used rubber bands to hold the Flip to the clamp.  Then I drove home… (click on image for Going Home)

I can hardly wait until we drive up Hwy 1!

OK, now its time to work on the Tools

The last time that I worked on my page about Tools was when I was using Final Cut Express… ok, I can’t remember when that was.

The Notes are about the films, once they are made and the notes are written, its over. But the Tools, they are ever changing!

To help me focus on what I need to work on, I’ll add some comments here to either set me up or give me guidance. This blog is my conscience.

Start with the tools and lay it out chronologically. When I was starting out, the greatest thing for me was two simple things; one could make a great video out of stills (thanks, Ken Burns) and two, a very simple circa 2002 digital camera could make 4-5 second videos that could be turned into a short film.

It was such a heady feeling to make a MOVIE! (then I learned it was supposed to be called a FILM). Tomato, potato.

I’m going back to talk about the tools…

Almost there!

A few more tweaks made late last night!

I still have some image line-up issues but my new site is ready to go. It isn’t dramatically different than last years model but its no longer a TABLE! Woot!

OK, its not that big of a deal but it no longer nags me as I lay awake at night…

New version and Old Version.

Next up? The remaining pages, new look and new text!