HTML5 and CSS3

I’m interested in what HTML5/CSS3 are bringing to the Web. A simple thing like using CSS to drop shadow an image is  quite nice. Beats having to use Photoshop…

Based on the drop shadow alone, I thought it would be good to begin using these two new web standards, So I changed my photography site Stills from one using a Lightroom HTML template to one of my own implemented with HTML5 and CSS3.

For now it is quite rudimentary, it shows photos in a classic gallery style with little changes from a conventional HTML/CSS 2.1 site. As I have more time, I will use tools like Modernizer to help ensure viewers have a good experience regardless of browser.

I’ll also incorporate the database approach I used for my film site. Currently, I have a “hand-crafted” site which requires a new html page for every new photo. After a few photos, the overhead gets to be quite a pain.

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